Naïve Matryoshka: I am Small, but I Contain Multitudes

This matryoshka, or wooden nesting doll, is the more traditional of the two that we acquired at the Vernisazh market. It takes the form of a smiling, full-figured peasant woman, akin to the first matryoshka created in 1892. This doll has many stories to tell: that of the beloved family member on whom the artist modeled her; contemporary Russians turning to craft-making as a form of economic survival and creative expression; and the cultural plurality that lies at the heart of Russian national identity.


This matryoshka is a small oval doll that opens to reveal more dolls of decreasing size, one nestled inside the other. Like most such dolls, it is made of linden wood. At 3 inches tall, it can fit in the palm of your hand. It has a circular gold-colored base. The doll is in the form of a rosy-cheeked peasant woman, and everything about her is round: her wide blue eyes, pudgy hands, rosebud mouth, the pink circles of blush on her cheeks, and her overall shape. Her expression is that of saintly simplicity. Her straw-colored hair is modestly covered by a brown, fringed headscarf decorated with tiny designs of purple circles with pink dots inside, black dots in triangle shapes, and gold dots arranged as flowers. She is clad in a reddish-pink vest, and the sleeves of her blouse are green with polka dots.

Naïve matryoshka and family. Photo by Bade Turgut.

Unlike a typical matryoshka, this doll is matte rather than glossy. The few shiny accents —the gold base and some of the flowers on her headscarf—thus stand out all the more. The lack of varnish adds to the aura of vulnerability around this delicate doll. Perhaps that serves as a selling point for some —she looks as if she is beseeching you to take her home and keep her safe. Four more matryoshki are concealed inside. Though the colors of their clothes vary, each one wears a headscarf decorated with dots, and a vest with polka-dotted sleeves peeking out; each one has a similarly sweet, naïve expression.